Target by Category
- Book Lovers and eBook
- Business Opportunity
- College Students
- Computer and Tech
- Christians
- Credit and Loan
- Dating and Romance
- Debt Inquiry's
- Discount Seekers
- Entertainment (General)
- Financial Stocks, Forex, Small Cap
- Fitness and Personal Training
- Gamblers & Betting
- High Income
- Insurance Inquiries
- Job Seekers
- Health & Nutrition
- Home Owners
- Mortgage & Refinancing
- Music
- Online Shoppers
- PayDay Loans
- Religion (General Religion)
- Social Networking
- Sports Enthusiasts
- Travel & Vacation
- Weight Loss Men & Woman
Official Verified Consumer Emails
Consumer contact records.
Email is one of the most cost effective and safest ways to generate sales for your business almost immediately. Most first-time email marketers achieve success within the first few days and ongoing email campaigns only build bigger and more relevant with each email marketing list campaign. Email works for any type of business and it drives ongoing traffic and revenue.
Consumer Data Lists
Double Verification Process. We run our opted-in data, first through a suppression database, and then the data is verified using an advanced verification process two times.
Data Sources View List
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1.) Once order has been completed a payment confirmation and receipt will be sent via email
2.) You will be emailed a downloadable link for an excel file format database
3.) Available ongoing support.
General Consumer Non-targeted: Included fields in this database. Email address, first name, last name, mailing address with city, state, zip, phone number, website source collected, Ip address, date and time. Data is collected from opt-in sources and only saved after running through our rigorous email verification. Format is excel .csv.
US General Consumers Include Full Contact Records
What People Are Saying
client testimonials

Thank you for the data and the bonus. I must admit I thought the data would be second rate becaus...more

I registered for the email marketing software and was blown away at the ease of use and well roun...more

I was with another email marketing company and they closed my account due to complaints with my ...more
Geo Target Lists
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Did you know? You can get free email data lists for marketing with purchase of the web-based email sending software.
At Official We engage in responsible email marketing practices. If you have questions regarding the can-spam act you can open in a new window.